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Undercover investigation reveals widespread abuse of Tennessee walking horses

Investigation at Tennessee walking horse trainer Jimmy McConnell’s Formac Stables in Shelbyville, Tennessee, shows cruel acts of soring horses under watch of a key industry leader.

Soring is the cruel practice of inflicting pain on a horse’s legs or hooves to force an exaggerated, high-stepping show ring gait, known as the “Big Lick.”
Congress enacted the Horse Protection Act in 1970 to make illegal the abusive practice of “soring.” Soring methods include applying caustic chemicals, using wraps to “cook” those chemicals deep into the horse’s flesh, and attaching chains to strike against the sore legs. Sored horses often live in constant and extreme pain throughout their show ring careers.

The Humane Society of the United States successfully placed an undercover investigator at Formac Stables in Shelbyville, Tennessee, owned and operated by trainer Jimmy McConnell. McConnell’s brother Jackie
McConnell was the subject of a 2011 HSUS undercover soring investigation that gained national attention. He pleaded guilty to 23 counts of violating the federal Horse Protection Act and Tennessee state law.

Our investigator was in place at Formac from August 15-August 30, 2022, and worked alongside Jimmy McConnell and his team. Jimmy McConnell is one of the winningest trainers in the breed’s history, having won a record four World Grand Championships. Soring methods include applying caustic chemicals, using wraps and bandages to “cook” those chemicals deep into the horse’s flesh. Horses showed many signs of pain and discomfort, including facial contortions.

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