South Australia Ends Jumps Racing

Jumps racing has finally come to an end in South Australia. Now Victoria must do the same! Click here to support the campaign to end jumps racing in Victoria which will ultmately mean no more jumps races Australia-wide. Only Victoria stands in the way.

After thirteen years of solid campaigning by the Coalition for the Protection of Racehorses and Animal Liberation South Australia, it was finally announced on October 1, 2021, that jumps racing in South Australia will now be a thing of the past.

Racing SA put the decision down to a lack of horses but there’s no doubt the increasing lack of public support for this brutal and cruel industry has played a significant part in the decision.

Since the year 2000, at least 165 horses have been killed in jumps races in South Australia and Victoria (as at 2021). It is important to note, these are just the horses we’ve been fortunate enough to learn of. With large numbers of injured horses being taken away from the track on each jumps event, never to return, the true death toll would be much greater. On average, approximately 50% of horses used in jumps races do not return the following season.

An end to jumps in SA is a HUGE win for the horses, who will no longer be forced to jump obstacles at high speeds with a whip-wielding jockey on their back, resulting in horrific injuries and death.

Massive thanks to every single person who has supported us in speaking out against this blatant animal abuse since we began campaigning to ban jumps racing in 2008.

Extra special love and thanks to our friends at Animal Liberation South Australia, who we’ve campaigned alongside.

This leaves Victoria as the last state in Australia to continue to run cruel jumps races. Racing Victoria must pull their head out of the sand and do what they should have done a long time ago and #BanJumpsRacing

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