Sounds of distress: young whale entangled in Gold Coast Shark Nets

‼️WARNING: Distressing footage‼️

On Monday evening a young whale became entangled in a Queensland shark net, just one week into the whale migration season. 🐋

The distressed whale was left to struggle overnight in a shark net off Mermaid Beach on the Gold Coast and was freed by rescue crews around 8am the following morning.

This footage is not easy to watch and it is a distressing indication of what is to come this season. 💔

📣 Sea Shepherd Australia is demanding that the Queensland government commit to removing nets during the whale migration season.

We need #NetsOutNow


Sea Shepherd is an international, non-profit marine conservation organization that engages in direct action campaigns to defend wildlife, and conserve and protect the world’s oceans from illegal exploitation and environmental destruction.

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