Santuari e rifugi

Angela, Ethan, and Michaela Graze for the First Time at Woodstock!
Ethan, Michaela, and Angela went outside for the first time at Woodstock Farm Sanctuary last week. We wanted to share this sweet moment that you made possible with you. Thank you so…
Angi Eats!
We don’t care if Angi is a messy eater because she’s one happy rescue pig, and watching her munch away in pure contentment makes us happy too!…
Animal Birthdays!
Help animals enjoy more birthdays! Stop eating them.…
Animal Place
This film was created for the Nevada County Composers Cooperative’s Sound and Vision Film Festival, a festival celebrating the fusion of original video and original music with short films. Composer, Mark Vance,…
Animal Place – Sanctuary for Farmed Animals
Animal Place is a sanctuary for farmed animals in Northern Califonia. We have been around since 1989, and have rescued over 30,000 animals!
A HUGE shoutout and thank you, to Jon Mesic…
Animal Place Adoptable Goats
Peppy and Cass are two very sweet Alpine adult goats available for adoption through Animal Place’s Rescue Ranch program in northern California. The two goats were relinquished to a local shelter after…
Animal Place Egg Farm Hen Rescue
Over two weekends, Animal Place staff and volunteers saved the lives of more than 1,100 hens from an egg farm phasing out of the egg business. Social media and media coverage inspired…
Animal Place Rescues 3,000 Hens from Egg Farm
On July 29th and 30th, Animal Place rescued 3,000 hens from a caged “egg-laying” hen farm. 2,000 hens went to our Grass Valley sanctuary and 1,000 to our Vacaville adoption center.
Animal Place Rescues Hens From Egg Farm
225 hens were saved from slaughter as part of Animal Place’s Rescue Ranch program which takes in spent laying hens and other farmed animals, rehabilitates them and places them into new homes.…
Animal Place Thanks You!
A small token of our appreciation for our donors, volunteers, interns, social media mavens, and supporters. Thank you for making this all happen!…
Animal Place Virtual Tour: Calf Pasture
We’re bringing Animal Place to you with a virtual tour! We’ll be releasing a series of videos showing you around the sanctuary and introducing you to the animals. Today, you’ll meet two…
Animal Place’s Noah and Cornelius Baby Goats
Noah (white face) and Cornelius are the two newest babies at Animal Place! A few months ago, we took in Ellen, a black and white goat, from a slaughterhouse. She was…
Animal Place’s Potbellied Pigs
Meet the potbellied pig crew at the sanctuary. They’re quite the social bunch!…
Animal Place’s Thank You Video!
Every year, we put together a thank you video for all of our supporters – donors, volunteers, interns! This year, we asked you to vote for where the last Thank You scene…
Animal Place's Virtual Museum of Animal Farming
We are excited to announce the unveiling of our virtual Museum of Animal Farming!…
Animals Rescued from Backyard Butcher Operation
[More details on our website at . Thanks to George Brooks for filming.]
On October 10th, 2015, we stood in the doorways of the ramshackle barns and by barren pastures, overwhelmed by…
Ankunft von zwei neuen Butenländern
Auf Butenland sind heute nachmittag zwei neue Rinder eingetroffen, die wir vom Hof eines verstorbenen Freundes übernommen haben: Der 4jährige Dexter-Ochse Bo und die 14jährige Zebu-Kuh Trude. Natürlich zeigen wir euch deshalb…
Anne the Goat Makes A Hammock
Anne takes a perfectly good shade sail and turns it into a hammock. Anne came to us as a young ‘un from a neglectful farm, she had bloody stool due to a…
Anton und Lillja feiern ihre MUHdays
Im Tagesvideo gibt es diesmal gleich zwei Geburtstage zu zelebrieren. Denn nicht nur Anton lässt es auf seinem 6. MUHday krachen, Lilljas 8. Ehrentag fiel in unsere Pause, weshalb wir ihn heute…
Die Butenland-Fans lieben die Feierabend-Schmatzeinlagen unseres Gärtner-Teams, Eberhard und Winfried lieben Aprikosen. Da dachte sich Sir Archie, dass sich das doch irgendwie verbinden lassen muss und tatsächlich hat Martin PEKsese wieder ein…
Are you Hungry?
“If we could live happy and healthy lives without harming others… why wouldn’t we?”…
Arthur en Olivia gaan gelukkig door het leven
Arthur en Olivia zijn 2 varkentjes die gered werden door Animal Rights uit een varkensfokkerij. Ze waren erg zwak en zouden het niet overleefd hebben. Arthur en Olivia zijn de ambassadeurs voor…