Proteste, eventi e azioni
Aquí tienes 10 de los momentos más importantes para los animales en los últimos 12 meses en Igualdad Animal.
Al hacer donaciones, firmar peticiones y emprender acciones en línea a favor de…
Día Sin Carne 2016 AnimaNaturalis @ Barcelona
Gran vídeo de los amigos de Tacovisuals, que cubrieron nuestra impactante acción contra el consumo de carne del domingo domingo 22 de mayo de 2016, en Barcelona.…
¡Protestamos en el Congreso por los pulpos!
🐙🏛 El pasado domingo, en Madrid, a pesar de las lluvias y el mal tiempo un centenar de ecologistas y defensores de los animales exigimos al Congreso de los Diputados la paralización…
Animal Activists Approach Denny’s Executives at Golf Game in Texas
During Denny’s Annual Allied Partners Summit Golf Tournament, activists pressured Denny’s for an answer as to why the company failed to meet its previous pig welfare commitment that would ban caging pregnant…
Exposing the Primate Prison at the University of Washington
Thousands of monkeys, including members of globally endangered species, have died at the University of Washington’s National Primate Research Center since its opening in 1961. YOUR tax dollars are being used to…
World Vegan Day 2014 a Milano
1 novembre 2014 – Il World Vegan Day è una giornata internazionale che si celebra ogni primo di novembre, nata per ricordare che esiste un modo per vivere senza crudeltà e sofferenza.…
Etichetta Benessere Animali: fermiamo le #BugieinEtichetta
Potrebbe essere approvata un’etichettatura che permetterà di definire “benessere animale” anche i prodotti provenienti dagli allevamenti intensivi, in cui le scrofe vivono in gabbia e dove viene…
This heartbreaking video is from our LA Animal Save vigil for chickens on February 25th, 2021 in Los Angeles, California. These chickens are packed by the thousands on trucks that wait as…
Animals Feel #short
Animals feel pain, fear, and joy just like us. Keep them off your plates.
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PETA’s mission statement is that animals…
Im Sommer auf die Straße: Für die Schließung aller Schlachthäuser!
Die Demoreihe für die Schließung aller Schlachthäuser ist zurück! 2021 in 15 Städten in Deutschland: Berlin, Bielefeld, Braunschweig, Frankfurt, Gütersloh, Hamburg, Hannover, Heidelberg, Kassel, Mainz, Mannheim, München, Münster, Stuttgart und Unna.
A path fraught with danger
Each year 40,000 frolicking whales are make their way up Australia’s East Coast along the humpback highway.
Unfortunately, these beautiful animals face an unnecessary challenge on their 5000 kilometre migration path: indiscriminate…
Goodbye, old friend!
After thirteen years of loyal service, we made the heartbreaking decision to retire the Bob Barker.
Due to its many past lives and multiple campaigns, the thinning hull and the ageing machinery…
‘Kill-a-Duck’: Activists raid Luv-a-Duck slaughterhouse
On the morning of 29 November 2018, around 70 activists from six states converged on the Luv-A-Duck slaughterhouse in Nhill, Victoria, in an action coordinated by Bear Witness Australia and Aussie Farms.…
80 non-vegans watch Dominion
Due to some amazing planning by animal rights activists, 80 non-vegans attended a “Scary Film Challenge” at Leeds University Union to see the most disturbing film ever made – Dominion.
You can…
Defending Europe’s Largest Marine Sanctuary From Illegal Trawlers
Illegal Trawlers Caught Inside Europe’s Largest Marine Sanctuary!
Did you know? Alonissos’ National Marine Park is protected by strict laws banning trawling to safeguard its rich ecosystem, ancient artifacts, and cultural heritage.…
Via il foie gras dalle Olimpiadi: il nostro appello al Comitato di Parigi 2024
🔴 Via il foie gras dalle Olimpiadi!
Animal Equality ha lanciato una campagna globale per sollecitare gli organizzatori dei Giochi Olimpici di Parigi 2024 a eliminare definitivamente il foie gras dal menu.…
THIS is how you make a difference!
This woman decided to speak up at her place of work and made a difference.
You never know the impact of speaking up for others, even the smallest ones, until you try.…
Animals Feel Fear and Pain Just Like Us
Gathercole’s slaughterhouse vigil – Melbourne Cow Save
Join the Animal Save Movement:
#vegan #animalrights #justlikeus…
Manifiesto por el Día Internacional de los Derechos Animales
Silvia Barquero, directora de Igualdad Animal, lee el manifiesto por el Día Internacional de los Derechos Animales.…
NEWSFLASH: Oproep om stuk grond te gebruiken voor een doel zonder dierenleed.
Maandag 27 mei hielden The Save Movement the Netherlands en Animal Rights een demonstratie bij Slachthuis Abattoir Noord-holland B.V. in Oost-graftdijk. Het slachthuis staat te koop en we hopen dat de lokatie…
Wake Up Call for Johns Hopkins President.
🔊 PETA owls are giving Johns Hopkins President Ron Daniels a wake up call 🔊 These screeches were recorded inside a campus lab where owls are tormented in useless experiments. #tiktok #owls…
El Compromiso Europeo del Pollo ha sido elaborado por más de 25 organizaciones europeas de protección animal con el fin de abordar los problemas más acuciantes de los pollos ya que no…
DEMO GEGEN STOPFLEBERVERKAUF – Dallmayr, München – 21.11.2015 // SOKO Tierschutz e.V.
Und weiter gehts.Wir werden immer mehr, Dallmayr ist genervt. Unsere Kampagne gegen Dallmayr und weitere skrupellose Firmen mit Stopfleberverkauf geht weiter. Stopflebern sind immer aus Tierquälerei, die Tiere sind immer schwer krank…
Veggie-Street-Day 2011 Stuttgart
Veggie Street Day in Stuttgart zog tausende Besucher an — fast 40 Aussteller vor Ort. Beim zweiten Veggie Street Day (VSD) in Stuttgart strömten am Pfingstsonntag tausende Besucher in die Innenstadt. Fast…