Pilot Whale Remains Dumped at Sea in the Faroe Islands

On May 24th, 119 pilot whales were hunted and killed in the Faroe Islands. The next day their carcasses were dumped back into the sea.

On Suðuroy a whalehunt was called late on the night of May 24th.
119 pilot whales fought hard to escape, but lost the fight.
As their bodies were cut up and divided between all the inhabitants of the area, Sea Shepherd crew documented throughout the day.
The sadness we experience to watch these magnificent animals being dumped back out to sea after having been subjected to such cruelty can´t be described.

And we urge the Faroese to reconsider their need or support for this hunt, which we simply can´t excuse or justify in a time where the need to protect and respect our planet has never been more urgent.

Help us speak up for the pilot whales and create the change they so desperately need.

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#stopthegrind #faroeislands #seashepherd #whaling


Sea Shepherd is an international, non-profit marine conservation organization that engages in direct action campaigns to defend wildlife, and conserve and protect the world’s oceans from illegal exploitation and environmental destruction.

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