Investigazioni e inchieste

Undercover at Smithfield Foods (2012 Webby Award Winner)
An investigator from The Humane Society of the United States documented the suffering endured by female breeding pigs held in severely restrictive gestation crates on a factory farm operated by a subsidiary…
Hormel: USDA-Approved High Speed Slaughter Hell
A Animal Outlook investigator worked inside Quality Pork Processors, a USDA-inspected slaughterhouse in Minnesota that exclusively supplies to Hormel, the makers of SPAM. This shocking footage offers a disturbing, close-up…
Tortura en MATADEROS de México
Nueva investigación de *Igualdad Animal* en 21 #mataderos de México muestra las torturas y el maltrato al que son sometidos los animales.
Firma la petición en
Locución: Marina Céspedes…
CARNE DE POLLO I La crueldad de la industria en India.
La organización internacional Igualdad Animal ha presentado una nueva investigación para denunciar la crueldad de la industria de la carne de pollo en India.
Igualdad Animal…
Poulets en batterie – Le reportage Choc
Pour offrir dans le commerce du poulet à 3 euros le kilo, la manière de l’élever est rationalisée à l’extrême. Mais est-ce sans risques ? Ces volailles grandissent à plusieurs dizaines de…
MALTRATO ANIMAL I La industria de la CARNE DE POLLO en Alemania
Nueva investigación de Igualdad Animal en las dos mayores granjas de pollos de Alemania revela el maltrato sistemático al que someten a los animales.
Undercover Investigation at Hy-Line Hatchery
Thrown, dropped, mutilated, and ground-up alive. This is the disturbing reality faced by hundreds of thousands of chicks each day at the world’s largest egg-laying breed hatchery Hy-Line International in Spencer, Iowa.…
Inside the slaughterhouse. Undercover investigation in spanish slaughterhouses.
Modern slaughterhouses have been designed to take the highest number of animal lives, as fast as possible. Industrialised animal slaughter is a huge business, and some of these factories —which are becoming…
CERDOS PATEADOS hasta la muerte | Investigación de Igualdad Animal Reino Unido
Tras recibir una denuncia sobre maltrato en la granja inglesa Fir Tree, acudimos con cámaras ocultas y lo que descubrimos fue una insólita crueldad.
Se entregó…
Costco Doesn’t Want You To Know What's Wrong With These Eggs
UPDATE: As of December 2015, Costco announced they are committed to going 100% Cage-Free!
A recent HSUS investigation revealed a Costco egg supplier cramming chickens into tiny cages, forcing…
Hidden camera dairy calf investigation
Using hidden cameras, this investigation into the fate of unwanted dairy calves (bobby calves) in Australia reveals what the dairy industry doesn’t want you to see. LIKE & SHARE this video to…
Dentro del matadero: investigación en mataderos del Estado español.
El matadero moderno ha sido diseñado para acabar con la vida del mayor número de animales a la mayor velocidad posible. La matanza industrial de animales es un gigantesco negocio y algunas…
Reptiles Left to Die at PetSmart Supplier Mill
Eyewitnesses found that reptiles were denied basic care, left to suffer with gruesome injuries, and cruelly killed at a PetSmart supplier.
Animals crammed into filthy, crowded plastic bins stacked into shelving units…
Deux abattoirs, une même horreur ! Rémi Gaillard
Signez la pétition:
Rémi Gaillard commente les Images des abattoirs de Pézenas (Hérault) et du Mercantour (Alpes-Maritimes). Tournées entre novembre 2015 et mai 2016.…
Matines : dans l’enfer des cages
Images choquantes d’un élevage industriel de 200 000 poules en cages. Suite à la révélation de ces images par L214, Matines a cessé d’acheter les oeufs de l’élevage, qui étaient distribués par…
Carton of Cruelty: Behind Big Dairy’s Closed Doors
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Compassion Over Killing’s investigation of Mason Dixon, one of the largest dairy factory farms on the East Coast and the first to use “robo-milking,”…
Basque Slaughterhouses Undercover Investigation
(EN) Almost every animal taken to a slaughterhouse goes through three phases:
This death factories are the saddest exponent of an oppressive system that transforms individuals (pigs, cows, rabbits…
LCA Undercover Investigation Reveals Cruelty at Olymel Pig Supplier!
Last Chance for Animals’ Investigation of Canadian pig breeder Crimson Lane Farms — a supplier of Olymel, who sells to major retailers like Walmart, Metro and Real Canadian Superstore — reveals shocking…
Les vaches à hublot – une enquête de L214 commentée par Nagui
Vaches à hublot, poulets difformes, cochons, veaux, lapins malades et enfermés dans des cages minuscules : les images de cette enquête de L214 décrites par Nagui dévoilent l’intérieur du 1er centre…
WATCH: Joaquin Phoenix Slams Walmart for Supporting Sickening Cruelty to Pigs
The hidden cost of Walmart’s cheap pork is blatant animal abuse. A new Mercy For Animals undercover investigation, narrated by actor Joaquin Phoenix, exposes sickening animal abuse in Walmart’s pork supply chain,…
Watch: Secret Video Shows Baby Turkeys Ground Up Alive by Butterball
Hidden-camera video taken by an undercover investigator with Mercy For Animals at Butterball — the world’s largest producer of turkey meat — shows baby turkeys being routinely mutilated without painkillers, ground up…
El Secreto de El Pozo
Igualdad Animal ha colaborado con el programa Salvados de la Sexta, desvelando uno de los mayores escándalos de maltrato animal hasta la fecha en España.
Abattoir made in France – Alès (English subtitles)
Pour agir:
L’association L214 dévoile une enquête vidéo accablante sur l’abattoir régional d’Alès. Jamais en France, la mise à mort des animaux dans un abattoir n’avait été montrée de façon aussi…
Hidden-Camera Exposes Disgusting Secret Behind McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets
A new undercover investigation into a McDonald’s Chicken McNugget supplier has exposed horrific cruelty to animals, including birds beaten, crammed in filthy sheds, stabbed to death with nails attached to makeshift clubs,…
Greg Guillotin : Mettons fin au supplice des cochons d’un élevage du Finistère !
Signer la pétition :
Forcés à vivre au milieu des cadavres de leurs congénères en putréfaction ou leurs ossements, les cochons de cet élevage intensif survivent dans un environnement répugnant. L’élevage…