Investigation Inside American Kennels

The American Kennels pet store has repeatedly shown a lack of regard for the health and wellbeing of the puppies in their care. A recent undercover investigation by the HSUS exposed very sick puppies and a lack of adequate veterinary care, which horrifyingly resulted in the recent death of at least one puppy at the store.

The majority of puppies sold in pet stores come from puppy mills: intensive breeding facilities where there is little concern for the health and wellbeing of the animals. American Kennels specifically has received dogs from at least three breeders so inhumane they were listed in our Horrible Hundred report on problem puppy mills.

We must call on American Kennels to stop selling puppies immediately and surrender the surviving animals to qualified shelters and rescue groups immediately, before more suffer or even die! Add your name now to send a message to the entire industry – puppies should not be sold in stores and they don’t deserve this horrific treatment.

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