Watch Sally the sheep learn how to walk again!
Sally was surrendered into our care in July last year, her emaciated, parasite-riddled body was so weak she could not even lift her head, let alone stand. 🐑😔
Our team devoted themselves…
Guillaume Meurice : le calvaire des cochons à l’abattoir de Houdan
Interpellez les candidats :
L214 a enquêté à l’abattoir de Houdan dans les Yvelines. Les images tournées fin 2016 montrent des employés qui s’acharnent sur des cochons pour les faire avancer dans…
Labels – Do You Know What You’re Wearing?
Eight-year-old Rebecca really loves labelling things. But when she tried to stick a label on her leather belt – well, she ran into a few problems.
Leather can be made from cows,…
The Video PetSmart Doesn’t Want You to See
PETA sent eyewitnesses inside six factory animal dealers—including Reptiles by Mack, Holmes Farm, U.S. Global Exotics, Sun Pet, Rainbow World Exotics, and Brelean Corporation—that supply PetSmart or other pet stores and found…
Pferderettung Wankendorf
► AKTUELLES BEFREIUNGS-VIDEO: „Dem Schlachthaus entkommen: Zwei Puten auf dem Weg in die Freiheit“,
Update zur Pferderettung, Dezember 2018: Wir haben auf dem Lebenshof nachgefragt und bis heute geht es den…
Save Ralph – A short film with Taika Waititi
Introducing Ralph, the new spokes-bunny of the global campaign to ban animal testing for cosmetics. #SaveRalph is a powerful stop-motion animation short film produced by Humane Society International, featuring an all-star multinational…
Rescued Hens See Snow for the First Time
Animal Place intern Andrea White captured these precious moments of hens rescued from battery cages experience snow for the first time. In July, Animal Place rescued 3,000 hens, saving them from being…
La storia di Koa
Quando i volontari di PETA hanno trovato Koa, il maiale, lui aveva sofferto per quasi una settimana, con squarci su tutto il corpo e una profonda ferita brulicante di vermi. Era stato…
Pferdefleisch aus Qualproduktion in Südamerika Part 2: 2017
Neue Recherche zu den grauenhaften Bedingungen der Pferdefleischproduktion in Südamerika / Uruguay und Argentinien. Tierschutzbund Zürich und Animal Welfare Foundation mit Unterstützung von For The Animals Uruguay, Eyes on Animals, Niederlande, WELFARM,…
Happiest Video EVER!
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If you’re happy and you know it… watch this short clip, aptly dubbed, “The happiest video EVER!”
Why pigs killed for meat are sent to gas chambers
Pigs are intelligent, highly perceptive animals. In fact, it is believed they are intellectually equivalent to a three year old child. Their intelligence can make them difficult to handle, particularly on factory…
馬の屠殺現場調査 | Japanese Horse Slaughterhouse Investigation
Short Version
Japanese Horse Slaughterhouse Investigation
Short Version
Japanese Translation
Learn more at…
Dominion – versione italiana
Dominion denuncia la violenza sugli animali di ogni specie. Il film è stato scritto, diretto e realizzato da Chris Delforce, dell’associazione australiana Aussie Farms. Racconta in modo estremamente toccante gli orrori dello…
Investigation Reveals Hell on Earth for Animals at California Dealer Warehouse
In 2012, a PETA investigator recorded abuse and neglect of thousands of rats and reptiles.…
Cow tries to scape slaughterhouse
(EN) Slaughterhouses are built to overcome any form of resistance. They are factories specifically created to kill animals. Mexico, 2017.
(ES) Los mataderos están construidos para doblegar cualquier forma de resistencia. Son…
Un equilibrio delicato
Questo documentario esamina il legame tra alimentazione e salute umana e fornisce informazioni per fare le scelte più corrette per prevenire le malattie e vivere più sani.
Maggiori info su TVAnimalista:…
Possano tutti gli esseri viventi restare liberi dal dolore
Io non conosco nessuna preghiera più bella di quella con cui concludevano gli antichi spettacoli dell’India: “Possano tutti gli esseri viventi restare liberi dal dolore.”
[A. Schopenhauer]
Video: Santuario Igualdad Interespecie…
Most Inspiring Second-a-Day Video: The Year of Vegan
“The Year of Vegan” follows a young woman’s yearlong journey going vegan.
Now more than ever, compassionate people are going vegan for animals, the environment, and their health. Making the switch isn’t…
Naked Bonnie-Jill Laflin Exposes the Cruelty of Hermès
Sportscaster, television personality, and model Bonnie-Jill Laflin lends her voice—and body—to shed light on the captivity and murder of thousands of alligators who are factory-farmed for Birkin bags, belts, and watchbands sold…
Ohio Dairy Farm Brutality
Hidden camera video secretly shot by an investigator with Mercy For Animals at an Ohio dairy farm reveals shocking, malicious cruelty to calves and cows. The video, recorded between April and May,…
What is factory farming? – Us and the planet
We are at a critical point in human history. Our choices no longer have just a local impact. Their effects are felt globally — on animals, people, and the environment.
Find out…
Todeskampf im Allgäu // SOKO Tierschutz e.V.
SOKO Tierschutz enttarnt Bayerns
größten Milchbauern als Tierquäler
Käserei Champignon und Weihenstephan
Produkte als Abnehmer
30 Tage lang im Mai und Juni 2019 beobachteten versteckte Kameras den Mega-Milchviehbetrieb Endres in Bad Grönenbach,…
Ostriches Killed for Hermès, Prada Bags
In September 2015, PETA investigators traveled to South Africa to get never-before-seen footage inside the largest ostrich slaughterhouses in the world, including that of the exclusive supplier of ostrich skins for Hermès’…
Undercover Footage: Monkey Restraint Devices
A rare look inside a primate laboratory. In this segment, monkeys are yanked from their cages and strapped into restraints.…
What Emily Saw Will Stay With You Forever
One woman’s search to uncover the truth put her life on a course she never expected. See what happened to Emily, in one of the most powerful videos you will ever watch.…