Are Your Eyelashes Made of Mink? You’re Wearing Fur

If you think your lashes are “cruelty-free,” you might be buying into a lie. They come from fur farms. Sellers of mink fur used for false eyelashes slap familiar, reassuring labels on their products, like “ethically sourced,” “free-range,” and “cruelty-free.” But just like with meat, those labels serve one purpose: to deceive consumers. Minks can’t be “free-range.” They’re solitary, territorial animals who become aggressive when they feel threatened, and they would fight if confined to a small area together. Instead, they’re kept separately in cramped wire cages on fur farms, where they’re denied the opportunity to bathe, swim, burrow, or do anything else that’s natural and important to them and often denied even basic necessities such as food, water, and medical care.

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